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Vako Ferguson

Faith, Work and Happiness

For some time, I had struggled with how to make my Christian faith work together with everyday life: my education, career and mundane aspects of being human, so to speak. My aunt once called me a Type A person in denial, and I do realize where she would have been coming from, considering all my internal conflicts. I am quite perfectionist in nature, and at the same time try to reach that same perfection in my faith, which presumably calls one to lay aside worldly ambitions to achieve that Great Commission to share the gospel and make new disciples into the Kingdom of God.

I am pleased to say that I have reached a point where I believe I have found my happy medium, a place where all my competing aspirations can be reconciled. This road has not been easy: it’s been filled with pain, sweat and tears; unlearning and re-learning, where I can now fully embrace the unique and precious soul God has made me, with all its intricacies, colours and fragrances. I’ve always believed that the person we know as God is a very dynamic being who does not ring fence or put his children in boxes. Why should we? It has, thus, been very freeing to know that I can be whoever I want to be, pursue all my hopes and dreams, and achieve all my life goals with God, my Father, at the centre of it all.

I am reminded of a quote attributed to an Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. which reads that ‘some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthy good’. The inverse is also undesirable - being so carnally minded that you have no conception of spiritual things. What is needed is an appreciation of our spiritual nature dwelling on the earth in a physical, human form. It, thus, takes a blend and balance of approaches and strategies to navigate in this world. The primary way I have dealt with this is to understand that my Christian faith is the foundation upon which my whole life is built. It accompanies me wherever I go and in all my actions. Never mind if I’m an astronaut on my first mission to Mars. My faith is the primary rock on which I stand.

In using this basic approach, I am able to still fulfill the Great Commission no matter where I find myself. It is a part of my consciousness and can be demonstrated in word and in deed. And the fact that I don’t need to isolate and separate my need to thrive in my faith and need to thrive in my career gives me the utmost joy and happiness. No matter your standing or faith, realize that building your personal business model canvas is all worthwhile. You never know - it might lead you to finding your very own happy place.

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